Woman’s family stormed police station where couple was being held in brutal ‘honor killing.’
An angry mob lynched a young Afghan couple who had eloped together after storming a police station where they were being held for “immoral acts,” officials said on Sunday, the latest so-called honor killing in the country.
Fateha, an 18-year-old woman who had been forced to marry a man against her wishes, was arrested on Saturday along with her lover Hedayatullah, 19, in the Wama district of the remote eastern province of Nuristan. “The woman’s family believed she had damaged their honor. Together with armed villagers they attacked the police station, took the girl and boy outside and shot them in front of the public,” said provincial governor Hafiz Abdul Qayyom.
Abdul Ghafoor Nuristani, a provincial official, accused the police of failing to protect the couple. But Qayyom said three policemen were wounded in the incident, into which the government had launched an investigation.
So-called “honor killings” are not uncommon in Afghanistan and relations between men and women outside marriage are strictly controlled under local and Islamic practices, with violations often punishable by death. More than 15 years after the end of the Taliban regime, Afghanistan is rife with abuse against women, most often perpetrated by families and relatives who are rarely arrested.
Perfectly in line with the Shariah law.
It is so hard to speak , breath or make a comment in the face of such barbaric acts. When, if ever, will these countries and in fact, all countries gain the knowledge and empathy to simply allow all men and women to live their lives their way. BEYOND SAD…..