To know what Kashmir is about would require Pakistan to do more than merely go through the motions of standing up for it
Ejaz Haider
The term ‘terrorism’ is supposed to evoke a negative response. But its placement in lan-guage is more than that; it is about setting a context and wielding power
How is it that while thinking works for our enemies, it is supposed to sink us?
The tragic incident in Sahiwal provides an opportunity to revisit the rules of engagement, training and handling ops in the field
Taking the iron fist route only opens ourselves further to the very vulnerabilities that can be targeted
Tackling a conflict, especially one that has been and is being fought among the people, is not about making linear, clear-cut, absolute choices
What exactly is the nature of this being-nothing? At what point does it become Becoming?
India’s homegrown nuclear-powered submarine should raise red flags for Pakistan, which must now strengthen its Navy accordingly
Mr. Prime Minister, don’t go half-cocked into battle
No one should mourn Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui. But neither can we ignore nor disregard the idea of the modus
The Prime Minister of Pakistan needs to convene an emergency NCA meeting to discuss the threat and work out responses
Supervising a multi-pronged strategy doesn’t have the same heroic aura as one man purporting to solve all the nation’s water problems through one project
Mr. P.M., your heart is in the right place. Now you just need to get the head positioned properly because the work ahead is rather complex
Some friendly advice for the incoming Prime Minister of Pakistan
The U.S. would do well to stick to the Ghani offer and work out some arrangement with the Taliban that would make them more amenable to Kabul’s inclusion — if at all
To win needs indulging in and honing the same practices that one sets out to fight
Judges cannot be experts at everything. That is why they need to stick to the law and let experts frame policies
Rules are important because they secure one from the mischief of the adversary as much as they secure the adversary from one’s mischief
The problem for the Taliban was—and is—not whether they need or want to talk; it’s about who to talk to and when
Go out and win it folks, but spare us the line about this contest being some kind of Armageddon between the forces of evil and good